So last night at about 9:30 we got a phone call informing me that Parker had a talk and it was kind-of important because it was ward conference so we needed to make sure he did something besides just giving his testimony! After asking what the topic was I went to work writing the talk. I found what I needed and found the right picture and put it all together. This morning when we were sitting waiting for church to start Parker and I practiced it through. He did a great job repeating every word I said he had some trouble with a couple but he always does biggy right? Anyway after SM (that stands for Sacrament Meeting), we all went in to hear this awesome talk that Parker was going to give. They did all the stuff leading up to the talk finally it was time...I walked up to help Parker out!
We started out just fine he repeated almost all the words I told him to say then all of a sudden he turns to me to say "I have to go Potty!!" well if you know Parker when he has to go you need to take him now or you will be sorry! I said "let's try to finish the talk first" by the end of the next sentence I decided I would rather him go potty then wet his pants. So I told him to go ahead and go to the bathroom! I then finished up his talk.
So today I gave a talk in Primary! It has been a while and I of course cried like the baby I am! You can never expect to know what will happen next with Parker I guess that is why we keep him around!
Valentine Week
8 years ago
Hahaha! The other leaders told that story at the primary presidency meeting. How cute!
Parker never stops making us laugh!
HAHAHAHA! At least you were the one that prepared it so you got to follow through! Parker is so funny. We love sitting in front of you so we can hear the funny things he has to say!
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