I was tagged, so here we go...Rules of this Tag
1. Answer the questions about the list of friends and/or family on your blog.
2. If you don’t have the # of names that the question asks, answer the question about the next name that you have not had a question for on your list.
3. Tag your friends/ family.
When did you first meet the 1st person on your list? Aaron and I grew up like brother and sister and I met Brandi when Aaron started dating her! Great couple!
What do you like about the third person on your blog list? The third person on my list is Justin's cousin Brad and his wife Suzanne! I just love these guys because they are both so genuine and loving!
What do you like best about the 5th and 6th people on your list? Well the 5 and 6th persons on my list are Devon and Katherine who are Justin's brother and his wife and they are fun and like my kids , and Monica and Jeff are my sister and her husband and what I like about them are that they are fun to be around even though Jeff doesn't like us J/k.
How long have you known the 8th person on your list? I have known Jessie and Nate for what 6-7 years now Love these guys true awesome friends!
What impresses you about the 11th and 22nd people on your list? What impresses me about Kenny and Mitch is their love for each other and Kenny's patience for school and church and Mitch's patience for school and church! I don't know 22 people!
What is a memory you have with the 23rd person on your list? Well there is no 23rd person so I will do #12 which is Koe and Jarred what can I say about them they are in most of my memories but one that sticks out is when they hung out in the hospital when I had Michelle
Say something nice about the 27th person on your list. Since I don't have a 23rd person I know I don't have a 27th person so I will just say that the people I didn't get to highlight are all great people and I am glad to know all of them and I hope they are having a great day!
I now tag! Mitch, Koe, Kachelle, Jessie Nichols, and Mechelle
Valentine Week
8 years ago
I love you new template! How do you do that! I would love to learn!
THANK YOU!!! I have been so sick of my template, but have not been able to do anything I liked better! I owe you one!!!
Oh where oh where has my sister gone??? oh where oh where could she be????
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