Last I left off after the wedding and taking pictures at the temple!
After the temple the Crockett side of the wedding had an awesome luncheon at Gwen's parents church building just up the street from the temple actually. It was very nice and the food was great. When the lunch was done we had several hours to kill until we had to be at the reception to take more pictures so Kenny and his family, Monica and her family, and Justin and I decided to go back to temple square and tour the Conference Center! It is such an amazing building! Beautiful and just massive. We loved the tour...the kids how ever had a smaller attention span!!! The tour did last a little long so by the time we were all done it was time to go back to the reception area and get all 17 of us ready for "Cute Pictures" with Grandma and Grandpa and Danny and Gwen. That was a feat if I ever saw one! The kids all turned out very cute and handsome and the parents... well lets just say we all tried our hardest! Just Kidding we all looked great!
The reception was so nice and relaxing (for us) the kids played and ate and made us laugh and got hurt and cried and made us mad all in a 3 hour period you have to love the kids.
On Wednesday Morning we all decided to meet at cabala's Jeff's favorite place to go and then all travel together to go eat and other such stuff! It was fun, we went to this great restaurant called Tucano's ! All the Utah people know this place so they understand how good it is. I could have eaten a whole cow in one sitting, the beef was phenomenal!
After eating we toured Provo and saw a few dinosaurs and animals...NO not my dad and no not the kids we went to several museums in Provo at BYU they were great and the kids loved them. When the kids did get tired of the museums we went to the Creamery on 9th that was great (the pics of that are on my sisters blog just click on Jeff and Monica on the friends and family list) that was good food and entertainment! After that we were calling it a night and Monica wanted to go swimming and "Mitch's" bro-in-law works at an apartment complex so he let us go swimming there! That was fun!
The next day(Thursday to keep everything straight) was fun to. Kenny, "Mitch", Justin and I decided to go up Provo Canyon and let the kids play and us sit and chat and maybe go on a hike. We did all that and it was fun. The kids never run out of energy...WHY? After we went up the mountain we decided that we needed to go visit Justin's Grandmother "Grannie". She was sweet and fun to go and see. She even remembered Emie! She also remembered the Justin went with Cyndi. We all thought that that was great considering she suffers from dementia Ruthanne and Joel live with her now and take such good care of her and I was just in awe of what they do!
On Friday Justin and I wanted to take our kids back to temple square in Salt Lake City. We wanted to show them the visitors centers and the museums there. That was a fun trip just me and my little family. We actually felt the spirit every once in a while. I hope that someday our kids will be taking their kids up there and hoping for the opportunity to share the spirit with them! The really interesting thing to us was while at the south visitors center we ran into a sister missionary and while talking with her I looked down at her tag and it read...Sister Platt and her flag was from England. I was so excited I said Hey we are Platt's to and our family came from England! We decided that we have to be related somehow and we hopefully will be able to figure it out some day!! She was really sweet and let Michelle try on her badge for a picture! We also went to the CTR exhibit at the church history museum that was great and the kids loved it too!
Saturday was come home day and the trip took FOREVER!!!
That was our family vacation and it was fun and exciting and we are very happy to be home and thankful that Aunt Bev and Uncle Eric let us stay at their home and that Danny and Gwen got married so we had an excuse to go up there!
How fun! Sounds like you guys had a great time. That pic with the grandkids and your parents is just precious! (But I couldn't tell which one was Parker?)
Nevermind... I found him...
Hey Megan...what's new with you???
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